About Us


Located in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, BMT Equipped Inc is dedicated to providing quality products for the firearm enthusiast.

The Moon Clip Loader Design Origin

Observing ICORE participants using slip-joint pliers and modified golf club handles for moon clip charging and discharging provided the motivation to develop something far superior. Though the concept came relatively quickly, a year and a half was spent testing to adjust, fine tune and confirm the design of the components.

A “Better Mouse Trap” Product

We had three friends who helped field test the BMT Loader design. While they were participating at an ICORE match a fellow competitor examined a prototype and commented that it was a “better mouse trap”. We appreciated the compliment and since then we have borrowed the phase, shortened it to BMT and now use it as part of our name.


Who We Are

It is our passion to make BMT Equipped Inc. products the highest quality, easiest to use and most helpful items on the market. We want to know our customers and serve them. Your feedback about what works for you and how we can improve our products is always welcomed and appreciated.


We hope all the BMT Equipped Inc. products make your time on the range, the competition field, and every moment with your firearm a more enjoyable experience.



Randell Kenner and Paul Witte

BMT Equipped, Inc.